I like to write about things on my mind, but sometimes I need a little help off the starting line.
I can't wait to get started!
Day 1 – your hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days
Day 2 – what would be found in your purse
Day 3 – something that makes you feel better
Day 4 – the reason you believe you’re still alive today
Day 5 – what you have learned in the past month
Day 6 – a funny {and true} story
Day 7 – have you ever thought about giving up on life? When and why?
Day 8 – a picture of you and your friends
Day 9 – something you have to forgive yourself for
Day 10 – top 10 pet peeves
Day 11- a favorite book
Day 12 – someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted
Day 13 – a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
Day 14 – put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up
Day 15 – a travel story
Day 16 – someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 17 – a hobby
Day 18 – someone or something you definitely could live without
Day 19 – a picture of something that makes you happy
Day 20 – a favorite recipe
Day 21 – a book you’ve read that changed your views on something
Day 22 – what makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 – a child I love
Day 24 – what’s the best thing going for you right now?
Day 25 – something you bought recently
Day 26 – something you have to forgive someone else for
Day 27 – a favorite quote
Day 28 – what did you do today?
Day 29 – someone you need to let go or wish you didn’t know
Day 30 – short terms goals for this month and why
Day 31 – your dream house
Day 32 – something people seem to compliment you the most on
Day 33 – something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 34 – next three on your “bucket list”
Day 35 – something you never get compliments on
Day 36 – songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, mad
Day 37 – nicknames you have, and why you have them
Day 38 – something you wish you hadn’t done in your life
Day 39 – something you crave a lot
Day 40 – a person I love
Day 41 – what would you do if you were pregnant?
Day 42 – something you want to buy
Day 43 – something you hope to do in your life
Day 44 – recent picture of you and 15 interest facts about yourself
Day 45 – a favorite song
Day 46 – something you hope you never have to do
Day 47 – the meaning behind your blog name
Day 48 – a favorite movie
Day 49 – someone who has made your life worth living
Day 50 – a picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 51 – a picture of your family
Day 52 – a band or artist that has gotten you through some tough days
Day 53 – how you found out about blogger and why you have one
Day 54 – a favorite You Tube video
Day 55 – something you wish you had done in your life
Day 56 – your last five Facebook status’
Day 57 – 5 things about you no one really knows
Day 58 – a picture that makes you happy
Day 59 – make a playlist to someone, explain why you chose all the songs
Day 60 – something you hope to change about yourself, and why
Day 61 – a picture of you last year and now, and how you’ve changed since then
Day 62 – something you dislike about yourself
Day 63 – a favorite photo
Day 64 – something you love about yourself
Day 65 – something you’re craving right now
Day 66 – a favorite food
Day 67 – your favorite superhero and why
Day 68 – a habit you wish you didn’t have
Day 69 – a letter to someone
Day 70 – something or someone you couldn’t live without